How to Get Those Creative Juices Flowing – Top Tip No 10

I was only thinking the other day about what do you do when you’re just not feeling that creative? What are some of the ideas that I can give you to go out and try to get your creative juices flowing?

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It’s Getting Rave Reviews… But Would You Buy One

We are of course talking about the new Fuji X100V which is being hailed as the ultimate street photography camera

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Awesome Black and White Images in Lightroom in Just a Few Clicks

Now if you, like me, came from the dark room age and grew up with black and white film, then today’s top tip is going to be right up your street. Today I’m going to be talking about how to create great black and white images in Lightroom with just a few clicks. And stay to the end, because I’m going to be giving away my black & white film simulation presets for free. 

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