Virtual Photography Meetup

So at the moment people are becoming housebound. They’re being told to work from home. If you’re in the at-risk group, you can’t go out. So this morning I held a virtual coffee morning online and it went down an absolute storm. People loved it, it was a chance to chat even if you can’t get out and about… So I thought I could do the same for us photographers.

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Coronavirus & How To Keep Your Photography Fresh

With many countries recommending social distancing or not going out, what can we do during this testing time to keep out photography fresh?

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Noise Reduction in Lightroom & Photoshop – Made Simple

Today, I was going to be talking to you about automating noise reduction in Lightroom, but then it occurred to me that maybe some of you aren’t fully familiar with Lightroom’s noise reduction tools. So I thought I’d make a video on how to do noise reduction, and then we’ll come back to the automation of that in another video. I’m going to show you in Lightroom, but it also works in Photoshop. It’s exactly the same process. 

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How to Get Those Creative Juices Flowing – Top Tip No 10

I was only thinking the other day about what do you do when you’re just not feeling that creative? What are some of the ideas that I can give you to go out and try to get your creative juices flowing?

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