How to Make Money with Client Portraits in Their Homes

Over the last few weeks I’ve been running some virtual online meetups for photographers when we can’t actually get out with our cameras and we can’t get to our photography meetings. The other night I was talking about how I capture studio-quality portraits for clients in their own homes without a lot of expensive gear, and I just thought I would share that bit of that workshop for you.

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So that’s how I capture that studio look in clients’ own homes and get great portraits of all of them that they absolutely love and want to buy. Lastolite Hilite backgrounds in either 7’x6′ or for big groups 8’x7′ and a single 7′ umbrella

I’m going to be creating a free workshop shortly on all aspects of photography and how you can make money from them. So keep your eyes open for that, make sure you don’t miss out, and I look forward to seeing you soon.

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