Virtual Photography Meetup
So at the moment people are becoming housebound. They’re being told to work from home. If you’re in the at-risk group, you can’t go out. So this morning I held a virtual coffee morning online and it went down an absolute storm. People loved it, it was a chance to chat even if you can’t get out and about… So I thought I could do the same for us photographers.
On Tuesday 24th, next Tuesday at 7:00 PM UK time, I’ve arranged an online virtual meeting, and we can just get together, have a chat about all things photography. Anything you want to talk about, anything that you need some help with, ask the question, and I’m sure there’ll be somebody else in the group who be able to help you or I can make some suggestions to help here.
For all the details, go to Facebook. There’s a link to the event on Facebook down below. Click on the link, click going on Facebook, and in the event description, you’ll find joining instructions. I’ll see you on Tuesday evening at 7:00 PM.